The effect of robots will increase: instead of one salary, the trend of work in many companies will increase

Today the world is standing on the cusp of a crisis related to human resources. Because of this crisis itself, we can see that technology is eating up the jobs of many people, while on the other hand, many new jobs are being started for which we do not have skilled labor.

According to the World Economic Forum, in the next 10 years, 120 million workers around the world will be affected by automation technology and AI. This is equivalent to 50% of the world economy. This will affect the salaries equal to 14.6 trillion dollars, ie about 1200 lakh crores.

To avoid this crisis of human resources, it is necessary that we manage education better. Help people learn new skills, unlearn old patterns of knowledge, and learn new things. Create new opportunities for the people.

Instead of one permanent job, the trend of doing many part-time jobs, which is called the Gig Economy today, will increase further. The reason for this is also clear. It gives better capital to the worker for every hour he works and also has flexibility. Platforms like Uber have democratized this gig economy. Its specialty is providing cars and drivers according to your needs and such platforms will flourish more in the future.

The concept of solopreneurs will also become popular soon. Building an entire company is difficult, but solopreneurship is easier said than done. These solopreneurs will build personal brands like consultants.

Not only this, people will start better bargaining their time instead of a fixed salary which will be not with one company, but with many companies at once. For example, if a person works for 8 to 10 hours a day, then he can distribute it among 3 to 4 companies.

In the coming decades, the number of employees with dedicated salaries in companies is going to decrease. People will be more concerned about their lifestyle and their mental health than their earnings. For this reason, flexibility in work can become the biggest quality of any job. Work from home can become a main category in this. Also, platforms like Zoom and Kong will become even more relevant.

With the Industry 4.0 revolution, AI and robots will make their place in many jobs. According to an estimate, by 2030 there will be 800 million jobs in which robots will replace humans.

An example of this is robotic vacuum cleaners. Housekeeping robots will be everywhere in the next decade. ChatGPT has changed the picture of copywriting work.

Every work that a person is doing today will be affected by technology. This effect will be good as well as bad. We don’t know how AI and machine learning will change the quality of human life, but there will be a price to be paid.

That’s why we should start learning such new skills from today itself which are necessary for the future. Do you know that there are 386 machine learning companies in the field of medical imaging alone? Because of them, the need for radiologists will be reduced because these machines give more accurate guidance than a doctor.

But this does not mean that the need for radiologists will end. Yes, their importance will definitely decrease. Machine learning significantly reduces the time it takes a radiologist to interpret a scan.

According to the New York Times, there are about 60 jobs that will be completely eliminated in the future. This trend gives us time to think about how we can increase the budget for the right skill development so that employment can be provided to every household in our country with a population of 140 crores.

That’s why, the government will have to increase investment in things like Gig Economy, and skill redevelopment programs today. At the same time, it has to be ensured that India can provide resources to the whole world for a new era of progress.

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