US President Joe Biden will not come to India on Republic Day: Quad meeting postponed

US President Joe Biden will not come to India on Republic Day

Republic Day 2024: On Republic Day 2024, US President Joe Biden will not be visiting India. He was the chief guest, as invited by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Eric Garcetti, the US ambassador to India, provided this information. In addition, the January Quad Summit, which was scheduled to take place in India, has been rescheduled. The date of this meeting was scheduled for January 26.

Quad meeting to be held in January postponed

The agenda that India created for the Quad meeting has not been approved by other nations. The last Republic Day celebrations that the then-US President Barack Obama attended was in 2015. Obama and PM Modi took part in the Mann Ki Baat program during Obama’s three-day visit.

At this point, America had yet to respond to India’s invitation for Republic Day. Australia, one of the Quad member countries, also celebrates its National Day on January 26. Anthony Albanese is unable to attend the Quad meeting at that time as a result. Thus, there is currently little chance that Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida will visit India as well.

Pannu, a terrorist affiliated with the Khalistani movement, is the subject of a current dispute between America and India. India has been charged by America with plotting to kill him.

Additionally, the quad meeting has been moved to 2023.

The 2023 Quadrennial Meeting took place in Japan’s Hiroshima. Sydney, Australia was supposed to host this summit earlier. However, at Biden’s request, it was postponed because of the American debt crisis at the time. Following this, a meeting of the G7 nations was planned.

PM Modi had declared in Hiroshima that India would host the meeting in 2024. The leaders of each of the member nations will need to travel to India for this. Every year, one of the member nations takes turns leading the Quad. Japan will still hold the presidency in 2023.

What makes Quad crucial for India?

It is thought that QUAD is meant to strategically impede China’s military and economic ascent. Consequently, this alliance assumes great significance for India. Experts surmise that China and India have long-standing border disputes.

If its border aggression escalates in such a scenario, India can enlist the aid of other QUAD nations to put an end to this communist nation. Furthermore, by strengthening its position in QUAD, India can prevent Chinese arbitrariness and preserve the balance of power in Asia.

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