Kim Jong Un Russia Visit: The dictator was extremely impressed after seeing Russian planes

Kim Jong Un Russia Visit: North Korean leader Kim Jong-un is currently on his visit to Russia, where on Saturday (September 16) he inspected Russian nuclear-capable strategic bombers, hypersonic missiles, and warships with the Russian Defense Minister. Earlier, Kim was welcomed by Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu at Russia’s Kanevichi airfield, about 50 km (30 miles) from the Pacific city of Vladivostok. Kim Jong Un was also saluted during the welcome ceremony.

According to an Associate Press report, Russia’s Defense Ministry said Shoigu showed the North Korean leader a MiG-31I supersonic interceptor aircraft equipped with Kinzhal hypersonic missiles. Also, the Russian Defense Minister told Kim about the aircraft, which can fly from Moscow to Japan and then come back. According to reports, its range is said to be 1,500 to 2,000 km (930–1,240 mi) while carrying a payload of 480 kg (1,100 lb).

Kim sees Russian warplane

Additionally, all types of Russian warplanes shown to Kim were among those that have seen active use in the war in Ukraine, including Tu-160, Tu-95 and Tu-22 bombers, which regularly fire cruise missiles. Has been launched. Kim and Shoigu later traveled to Vladivostok, where the Russian naval commander briefed the North Korean leader on the ship’s capabilities and weapons. That includes long-range Kalibr cruise missiles, which Russian warships routinely fire at targets in Ukraine.

The dictator was extremely impressed after seeing Russian planes

North Korea’s official media said in a report on Saturday that Kim was ‘extremely impressed’ after seeing the factory manufacturing Russia’s state-of-the-art warplanes. America and South Korea are extremely worried about Kim’s visit to Russia. In fact, they fear that if Moscow becomes friends with Pyongyang, then Kim may get access to some sensitive Russian missiles and other technology, while Russia may get help in the war in Ukraine.

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