2023: Witness rise in deaths, more layoffs and the danger of superbugs

Corona knocked in 2020. We spent a year being imprisoned in our homes. When 2021 came, it seemed things would get better, but kept getting worse. There were many expectations from 2022 when Russia invaded Ukraine. It affected the whole world.

2023 has arrived. Things are expected to improve, but 2023 could be the worst year of this century. Why? There are 5 reasons for this.

  1. Deaths due to heart disease may suddenly increase in 2023

Hundreds of videos of sudden death while sitting, dancing and exercising surfaced last year. This is not happening only in India. In 2022, there have been lakhs of such deaths all over the world.

A large number of elderly and sick people died during Corona in 2020-21. Despite this, the additional death in 2022 surprises. Experts believe that most cases of accidental death are related to heart disease.

According to a study by the Queens Mary University of London, cases of blood clotting have increased 27 times, heart failure cases 21 times, and stroke cases 17 times in covid patients in England. Before Corona in England, no patient had to wait for more than 1 year for heart treatment. In August 2022, 7 thousand of people are waiting for one year for heart treatment.

About 1.43 lakh heart attacks were reported every year in the US before Covid, but after the first wave of Covid, these figures have increased by 14%. After the second wave, heart attack deaths among people aged 25-44 have increased by 30%.

According to an Oxford study, 5 out of 10 people who recover from severe Covid have a high chance of heart attack. Experts believe that the indirect impact of the Covid pandemic could be bigger than Covid itself. There are some learnings from previous epidemics behind saying this.

There were cases of brain fog and persistent fatigue following the Spanish flu of 1918. Brain fog means trouble thinking, remembering, and concentrating.

Cases of frequent heart attacks were also seen after the Spanish flu. Between 1940 and 1959, there was a wave of a heart attack. The occurrence of so many heart attacks was strange and difficult to explain, but today we know that the Spanish flu pandemic was to blame.

According to research by the University of Southern California, the legacy of the ill effects of covid may be worse than the Spanish flu.

  1. The Russia-Ukraine fight can turn into a nuclear war

On 24 February 2022, Russia started a special military operation on Ukraine. Most war experts believed that Ukraine would surrender within 48 hours, but this did not happen. This war has been going on for the last 10 months.

Countries like the US and the UK have sent billions of dollars worth of arms to Ukraine and are promising to continue helping in 2023. This could lead to a nuclear war, which would kill millions of people and change the world forever.

Some of you will be thinking that nothing like this is going to happen, but experts working in this field for years are giving clear warnings about this happening.

  • Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Chris Hedges blames NATO and US foreign policy for this war. According to him, if this war continues for a long time, then the proxy war of Russia and America can turn into a direct fight. Due to this, there is every possibility of nuclear war.
    Jeremy Shapiro, director of the European Council on Foreign Relations, says both sides are caught in an escalator cycle. Current trends are taking them towards direct conflict and then nuclear war. In which millions of people will die.
    Shapiro says- If Russia starts losing badly, it will use tactical bombs, on which NATO will retaliate. All this can happen in minutes.
    Experts say that the more likely Ukraine is to succeed, the greater the risk of a Russian nuclear attack.
  • Ukrainian President Zelensky said Russian authorities have begun preparing their society for possible nuclear use. Meanwhile, NYT wrote that the people of Ukraine are getting ready for a Russian nuclear attack.
  • If this happens, for the first time after World War II, nuclear weapons will be used in war. The last time America dropped atomic bombs on the cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima was in Japan. About 2 lakh people were killed in this. Those who survived became disabled. The cities were destroyed. Its effect lasted for many generations.
  1. Fear of recession in 2023, jobs will be snatched

Read this statement of the World Economic League Table 2023… ‘In 2022, even if the global economy has crossed the $ 100 trillion mark, but in 2023, if interest rates continue to rise to fight inflation, there will be a recession in 2023. ‘ According to the Center for Economic and Business Research (CEBR), many countries will continue the formula of increasing interest rates to control inflation in 2023 as well.

After reading this, you must also be thinking that what is the relation between inflation and recession due to an increase in interest?

It is believed that when banks increase interest, people start saving by reducing borrowing. This reduces the demand for the products in the market. Less demand means less inflation.

To reduce inflation, if banks run on higher interest formula for a long time, then taking loans will become expensive for both traders and consumers. Due to this, from the businessman to the common people will avoid spending. All these things have an impact on the country’s gross domestic product (GDP). If there is no growth in the GDP of a country for two consecutive quarters, then it is called a state of recession.

According to the World Economic Outlook report of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the global inflation rate, which was 8.8% in 2022, will come down to 6.5% this year and 4.1% by 2024. In the midst of all this, there will be a decline in the GDP growth of countries around the world, which shows economic recession.

The global growth rate which was 6% in 2021, will come down to 3.2% in 2022 and will come down to 2.7% in 2023. This is the weakest growth profile since 2001. There is a 25% chance in 2023 that global GDP growth will be less than 2% this year. Which shows the global recession.

To put recession in simple words, there needs to be more money in the pocket of the common man. When there is no money in the pocket, the purchases will be less. This means a load of demand from the market will decrease, decrease in demand means a reduction in production rate. When companies reduce production, then obviously manpower will also be less. In such a situation, people’s jobs will come under the red circle and unemployment will increase.

Apart from this, investment also stops due to the low purchasing power of the people. Crude oil prices will also increase in the international market. If this situation continues for a long time, eventually inflation will increase.

  1. Superbug can become a big threat in 2023 after Corona

Superbug has emerged as a major challenge for medical science in the last few years. The situation arising due to the coronavirus has made it more dangerous. A report in the medical journal Lascent has claimed that if the situation does not improve, the superbug can kill 10 million people yearly. Significantly, till December 31, 2022, there have been about 60 lakh deaths from Corona.

The question must be arising in your mind what is this problem called superbug?

Actually, a superbug is a strain of any bacteria, virus, or parasite. Suppose you got vaccinated to avoid covid-19. The normal behavior of a vaccine is to create the ability to fight Covid, but when such a strain of coronavirus comes on which the vaccine does not affect it. That is, if the virus develops antibodies against the vaccine, then this strain of the covid virus will be called its superbug version.

Medical people call this condition anti-microbial resistance in professional language. That is the situation when the medicine becomes neutral in front of the bacteria, virus, and parasite present in the patient’s body.

According to research by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), the drugs used to treat pneumonia and septicemia (blood infection) in India, carbapenem medicine, has now become ineffective on bacteria. After this, the production of these medicines was banned.

According to the report of the Scholar Academic Journal of Pharmacy, the consumption of antibiotics has increased by 65% in the last 15 years. People are also using antibiotics for the common cold and cough. America is losing $5 billion due to the superbug, which is half of India’s total health budget.

According to Dr. David Wise, a scientist at America’s Emory University, if the use of antibiotics continues to increase like this, all the progress of medical science will come to naught. We will reach that time when even a minor injury used to prove fatal.

According to research by PEW, 1 out of every 3 antibiotics prescribed by doctors to patients is wasted. More than 400 million such prescriptions are written every year. Antibiotics were used indiscriminately in the last two years during covid. Bacteria have acquired resistance power against many antibiotics in the last three years.

Research by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that Covid has increased the risk of superbugs. Its effect will be seen on a large population in the year 2023. Experts are not yet in a position to tell how many lives the superbug can numerically kill this year. Currently, about 60,000 newborns are dying every year in India due to superbugs, while in America, superbugs are killing one patient every 10 minutes.

America’s President Joe Biden has already expressed his fear of the danger of superbug and the devastation caused by it in March 2022 itself. The Biden government has said to release special funds in 2023 to fight the superbug. These funds will be provided to medical companies making medicines so that they can prepare new medicines to fight the super bug.

  1. Somewhere it will be very hot, somewhere it will rain heavily, extreme weather conditions will be seen in 2023

Now, remember the scene of 2022, when one-third of Pakistan was hit by floods. More than 1 thousand people lost their lives in this flood. That summer month when the people of China were facing the hottest heat wave in their history. Or the recent bomb cyclone in the US and Canada that covered large parts of both countries with a blanket of snow. In this, more than 60 people lost their lives and more than 25 crore people were affected. Things are still not completely normal.

All these are extreme weather conditions, behind which climate change is a major reason.

Climate refers to the average weather at a place over a number of years. And when we talk about climate change, it means that the average temperature of that place is changing.

Climate change has been happening on a large scale since the Industrial Revolution, as the use of oil, coal, and gas has increased since then. The use of these three releases greenhouse gas into the environment, which contains the highest amount of carbon. This gas stops the heat coming out of the Sun on the earth itself, due to which the temperature here starts increasing. We call the continuous rising temperature of the earth global warming and its effect on climate change.

Due to the increase in temperature, there is a strange possibility in the weather. Let us take the example of the recent bomb cyclone. This storm originated from the meeting of the cold winds of the Artic and the winds coming from the sub-tropical region ie the hottest part of the earth. According to the US Meteorological Agency NOAA, due to global warming, many such cyclonic storms may have to be faced in the future.

Now understand the connection of global warming with this storm

To prevent the cold winds of the Arctic, there is a natural system of wind bands on the earth, which is called the Arctic Polar Vortex. Cold air coming from the Arctic gets trapped in this vortex, which maintains the balance. During winter, this vortex expands somewhat, and then it sends these arctic winds southwards along with the jet stream. Jet stream means the system that controls the wind speed, but due to global warming, the disturbance is being created in the working system of the jet stream. Due to this, the low-speed winds in normal weather are taking the form of severe cyclones or storm.

Global warming is also affecting the Arctic Polar Vortex. As a result, this system cannot block Arctic winds during the summer, which leads to snow storms or cold winds in the early summer months. This is what we call climate change.

According to the report of the International Rescue Committee, an organization working on the environment, in the year 2023, the humanitarian crisis will increase worldwide due to climate change. The organization has expressed apprehension about the situation worsening due to Pakistan’s flood and China’s heat wave.

According to the International Energy Agency, due to covid, the world’s focus shifted from investment in green technology. Due to this, greenhouse gas can be released at a record level this year.

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