China’s biggest mistake would be to attack Taiwan: Stuck in the Indian Ocean?

Attack on Taiwan will be China’s biggest mistake

China’s biggest mistake: The tension between China and Taiwan is increasing day by day and it is believed that soon China may take some big steps like attacking Taiwan. However, if China does this then it may prove to be a big mistake. China may get stuck in the Indian Ocean. Security experts believe that in case of war, China’s oil supply to the Indian Ocean could be disrupted.

China may get stuck in the Indian Ocean

Let us tell you that every day about 60 big Chinese oil carrier ships enter the Indian Ocean through the Gulf of Iran and then reach China via the South China Sea. The Chinese Navy dominates the South China Sea, but the Indian Ocean is an area where China does not have any significant air support or a major military base. In such a situation, China’s oil carrier ships in the Indian Ocean can be easily stopped or destroyed. If this happens, the world’s second-largest economy can be paralyzed. This is what David Brewster, an expert on security matters at the National University of Australia, has to say. Security critics say that if China gets trapped in a long war like Russia and Ukraine, then China’s weakness in the Indian Ocean could prove fatal for it.

China’s economy can be eclipsed by the Indian Ocean

Let us tell you that China has imported more than 51 crore tonnes of crude oil in the last 11 months till November. According to official data, China’s oil imports have registered an increase of 12 percent. According to the US Defense Ministry Pentagon report, about 62 percent of China’s crude oil and 17 percent of natural gas comes through the Strait of Malacca and the South China Sea and this route passes through the Indian Ocean. Along with this, soybean for feeding animals in China is also imported through this route.

Know why China is weak in the Indian Ocean

China has a large network of military satellites but China has only one military base in the Indian Ocean but even that does not have air support. According to a Pentagon report released in October, China has bases in Pakistan, Tanzania, and Sri Lanka in the Indian Ocean, but till now these bases are limited only to trade activities. China has a military base in Djibouti but there is no airfield there. Besides, this military base is also surrounded by military bases in America, France, and Britain. In response to this, America has a significant presence in the Indian Ocean. America’s fifth fleet is deployed in Bahrain. Also, its seventh fleet operates from Diego Garcia Island, while its headquarters is in Japan. Diego Garcia is administered by Britain and is home to long-range bombers, as well as US aircraft carriers. In the east, Australia is also continuously increasing its surveillance in the sea. Australia’s P-8 Poseidon aircraft and US and Britain’s nuclear submarines are continuously increasing surveillance on the West Coast.

China is also preparing

It is not that China is not aware of its weakness in the Indian Ocean. China is also gradually increasing its capabilities. Four to five Chinese surveillance vessels patrol the Indian Ocean and the same number of warships and submarines can also reach here. Besides, China has also deployed its nuclear-capable ballistic missiles near its military base on Hainan Island. Since Xi Jinping came to power, the Chinese army has been continuously modernizing itself and increasing its capabilities. Also, to avoid any blockade, China has kept enough oil reserves for 60 days. China also has natural gas and food reserves. Apart from this, China is importing its crude oil and natural gas from different countries so that it does not have much dependence on the Indian Ocean.

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