The slave who cannot rebel against his chains does not deserve mercy – General Ibrahim Traore (Burkina Faso)

For the past few days, the West African country Niger has been struggling with great turmoil. On July 26, 2023, Niger’s President Mohamed Bazoum was taken hostage by his own security guards and the military rulers announced a coup. Since then, there has been huge dissatisfaction against France, America, and Nigeria.

In such a situation, we tell you in detail about the ongoing political upheaval in Niger and West Africa and the ongoing tussle between world powers over this region. It also explains why there is so much opposition to France in this area.

Arena between Russia and France
West Africa was long known for French and Portuguese colonialism. But, gradually this region became an area of military rivalry between Russia and France. These nations believe that Western countries, especially France, make full use of their natural resources, but they do not get anything special in return. Even 33 percent of France’s electricity is produced from Niger’s uranium, but in Niger itself, 80 percent of people’s homes are in darkness.

15 nations of West Africa together formed an organization ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States) in 1975. The purpose of ECOWAS is to promote economic integration, cooperation, and development among West African countries. This organization decides that if there is a military coup in any country in West Africa, then the other countries will come together and try to re-establish a civil government there.

A series of military coups in the three ECOWAS member states Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger embroiled them in conflict among themselves. The military rulers of Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger say that the civilian government is a puppet in the hands of France and America and that they allow the country’s resources to be looted for their personal gain. They also allege that the Nigerian government is a complete stooge of Western countries.

ECOWAS nations are known for their rich natural resources, which is why Russia is also showing great interest in this region and is showing open military support for Niger. Burkina Faso’s General Ibrahim Traoré says, ‘I have failed to explain to the youth of my country why we are poor despite being so rich in natural resources?’

Importance to West African countries

These nations contain large quantities of critical minerals, which are essential for chip manufacturing. Ilmenite mineral is also available which is necessary for fertilizer, apart from this there are also large reserves of gold, iron ore, phosphorus, magnesium, and uranium. Because of this, the importance of this area has increased considerably.

Problems of West African countries

European countries came here for ivory and pepper, but they established colonies here enslaved a large number of people, and sold them in Latin American countries. Even today this region is known for the ‘Atlantic Slave Trade’.

Even today, West African countries have not been able to get out of the influence of colonialism. The geographical division of these nations was also done in a very strange manner, due to which racial conflict continues even today. The region continued to struggle with military dictatorship due to low literacy and health problems.

Lake Volta, Niger River, and Lake Chad basin are present in Western Africa, yet this area is suffering from food crisis.

Importance of West Africa for India
Although there has been very little connection between India and West African nations, this region is a part of the Global South and India can take many steps for this, so that it can make its presence felt here. You may get a chance to make it.

There is a large amount of iron ore on Mount Nimba in the West African country Ivory Coast which is very important for India. Apart from this, India also wants to achieve big targets in chip manufacturing, for which critical minerals will be required. Sierra Leone has large reserves of diamonds.

India should work to deal with the food crisis here, and also India can create new relationships here through the International Solar Alliance. The India-Japan Asia Africa Corridor should be extended from East Africa to West Africa. Also, India should increase Team-9 cooperation with West Africa.

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