A to Z: Rahul Gandhi’s favorite place to eat in Delhi?

During Bharat Jodo Yatra, Rahul Gandhi spoke openly about food, marriage, first job, and family. Rahul said in an interview that he has no objection to the marriage. When the right girl is found, marriage will happen. He also told me about his first job. He said, ‘I did my first job in London. The name of the company was Monitor.

He gave this interview to Kamya Jani of the YouTube channel ‘Curly Tales’ during Bharat Jodo Yatra in Rajasthan. This interview with Rahul was released on Sunday. In this, he also told some funny stories.

What do you like to eat?
I eat everything. Although I do not like jackfruit and peas. When I am at home, I am very strict about food and drink. I don’t have any choice here. I eat whatever I get while traveling. People in Telangana eat more chilies in food. It was a bit difficult there.

I was born in the house of a Kashmiri Pandit who had migrated to Uttar Pradesh. Papa’s father was a Parsi, so normal food is cooked in the house. Desi food is served for lunch and continental food is prepared at night. Yes, ice cream is my favorite. Apart from this, I like to eat tandoori food. Chicken Tikka, Seekh Kebab, and Omelet are my favorites.

Which is your favorite place to eat and drink in Delhi?
Earlier I used to go to Old Delhi. Now going to Moti Mahal. Sometimes I also go to Sagar, Swagat, and Sarvana Bhavan.

How was your school time?
I was in boarding school. We were taken out from there before the grandmother was killed. After this homeschooling started, because due to the security region, we were not allowed to go to school.

How far have you studied?
I was at St. Stephen’s College for many years. There I studied history. After that I went to Harvard University, where I studied International Relations and Politics. Then father died. After this, I went to Rollins College in America, where I studied International Relations, and Economics. I have done my Masters from Cambridge University.

Tell me about the first job and salary.
I did my first job in London. The name of the company was ‘Monitor’, which was a strategic consulting company. The salary that I used to get at that time was quite a lot according to those times. All that money was spent on house rent and other things. During that time I got 3000 to 2,500 pounds salary. At that time I was 25 years old.

How did you get interested in politics?
I come from a political family. When we were young, many issues of politics, India, and whatever was going on at that time were discussed at the dining table. Everything changed after my grandmother’s death. Father’s death also had some impact.

When will you get married?
When I find the right girl, I will get married. The only condition is that the girl should be loving and intelligent. My parents had a wonderful marriage. That’s why I have very high thoughts about marriage. I am also looking for such a life partner.

What words do you say when you are angry?
Answer- When I get very angry, I become completely silent or say don’t do that. Earlier my and sister used to fight a lot, but after my father’s death, we stopped fighting.

What do you keep near the bed?
Passport, ID, Rudraksha, pictures of Shiva and Buddha are kept in the side drawer of the bed. Along with this, there is also a purse and a phone. I keep my phone aside while sleeping at night. I don’t use social media much. I only use WhatsApp and give advice to some youths.

What will you do if you become the Prime Minister of the country?
I would like to transform the education system. I would like to help people engaged in small businesses. At this time there is a need to take these people into big business. For those who are going through bad times like farmers, laborers, and unemployed youth, I would like to provide security to them.

Why did you start the Bharat Jodo Yatra?
In our culture, penance is very important. This is also one of the reasons behind starting the journey. The difficulties faced in doing any work are a kind of penance. Some joined the yatra from Kerala, some joined from Madhya Pradesh, and some remained with them all the way. Getting to learn from people, talking to them. The pain in people’s hearts is understandable. Patience has increased a lot during the journey.

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