Rajasthan election 2023: 55 thousand WhatsApp groups will attack Congress

Less than 10 months are left for the Rajasthan assembly elections. Lok Sabha elections are also to be held next year. BJP has prepared a master plan to win Rajasthan in both elections.

As much as the emphasis will be on on-ground campaigning in elections, the same focus will be on online campaigning. Its biggest weapons of BJP will be WhatsApp, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Till now BJP is connected with 80 lakh people in Rajasthan through social media. There is a target to take this figure up to 4 crores in the elections.

BJP will digitally attack Congress through 55 thousand of WhatsApp groups. A separate social media page is being created for each assembly.

BJP’s team of 3200 people will execute this work. So far 2700 people have been given responsibilities at different levels as social media team.

A separate technical team of 10 people, including content writers, graphic designers, video editors, and cartoonists, has been formed as professionals at the state level. This team will create videos, graphics, and content for the promotion of the party. Then through social media, these will be conveyed to the people.

Continuous monitoring of social handles of MPs and MLAs, ranking of top 5 every month

BJP is also serious about the activism of big leaders on social media in campaigning for the party and creating an atmosphere against the Congress.

Constant monitoring is being done of all MPs, MLAs, State office bearers, Morcha Presidents, and District Presidents whether they are active on social media or not.

Continuous analysis of the number of followers and the number of posts being shared on the social handles of the leaders are monitoring their activity.

A report is prepared every month on the activity of all the big leaders on social media. This report is sent to National Organization General Secretary BL Santosh, State Incharge Arun Singh, State President Satish Poonia, and State Organization General Secretary Chandrashekhar.

The main focus of the report is which leader has how many followers on social media. What is the most like on their handle?

Is it related to the promotion of the party or is it related to self-promotion? How many posts were shared in total? How many tweets? On the basis of this, every month it is decided at the state level who are the top 5 leaders. And who remained the least active? Leaders whose reports remain negative are being activated by updating them continuously.

Separate center in headquarters for WhatsApp group control, the target of reaching up to 40 million people

At least ten common citizens are also associated with the booth committee members at the booth level. Apart from this, about 3500 groups will add party officials.

In these, State Core Committee, State Working Committee, Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha-Rajya Sabha), MLA, all fronts, Vidhansabha Migrant, District President-District In-charge, Former District President, Department–Group of Cells including Councilor, Sarpanch, Panchayat Samiti–Zilla Parishad There will be groups of members. From division to district and divisional level groups will also be formed.

To control them and provide content for them, a separate WhatsApp chamber is being set up at the BJP headquarters.

BJP aims to reach out to 4 crore people through WhatsApp and social media. At present, we are sending messages to about 80 lakh people on a daily basis for the propaganda of the party and for creating an atmosphere against the shortcomings of the Congress government.

Three parts of the Social Media Wing: Technical, Organizational, and Monitoring

In the technical part, separate pages have been created on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram from the state unit to the divisional unit.

On all these platforms of social media, we have created state-level pages of the party in the name of BJP Rajasthan. Similarly, pages of 44 district organizations have also been created on all platforms.

Separate pages on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for 200 assembly seats

Rajpurohit said- Pages have also been prepared for all the 200 assembly seats in Rajasthan. Anywhere a big incident happens in the state and if it has political importance, we immediately publish it on all the social media pages of our state level.

We have a team of professionals working tirelessly on content writing, video editing, and graphics creation.

Central leadership is monitoring, the call center is also active

Booth-level workers play the main role in elections. They are the ones who do the work of taking the voters out of their homes and taking them to the booths.

That’s why the work of verification of booth committees is most important. After the appointment of 52,000 booth committees and panna pramukhs, every person is verified through IT so that it can be decided whether any inactive person is involved in the organization.

The post of an IT chief has been fixed at every booth. The call center is also working continuously at the state headquarters. From here, by calling the workers from the state to the booth level, it can be known whether the booth committee is active there or not.

The entire process of the election campaign has been linked to the monitoring system. Along with the state leadership, the central leadership is also monitoring the entire work.

The entire system of the new being created WhatsApp Chamber will also be under the monitoring of the central leadership. Records of everything are being kept and progress reports are being sent continuously to the state leadership and the central leadership.

The theme of how the social media team works are built in three ways. Promotion of the party, attack on the opposition, and taking the schemes of the center to the common man.

For how the workers deployed in the social media team have to work, the party has decided that every three months the workshop of all the team members should be held compulsorily.

A workshop of the state-level team has been held in Pushkar in the past. Now in the first week of March, preparations are on to organize a workshop for the workers involved in the assembly-level teams.

It will be told in the workshop which topic to raise, which topic not to raise, and how to avoid controversy.

Teams deployed from state to district, assembly, and division

To run its election campaign through IT and social media, BJP has set up teams at the district level including state headquarters, assembly seat wise, and Mandal level.

Apart from the technical team at the state level, a social media team of 21 people is working. Social media convenors and co-convenors have been deployed in all the districts.

Organization-wise, there are 44 district units of BJP in Rajasthan. A social media team of 2-2 people has started work in every district.

The same setup has been made in every assembly constituency as well. That is, 400 people have been deployed in 200 assembly constituencies. Similarly, in 1126 Mandals of BJP, two persons each have been appointed as social media coordinators and co-convenors in each Mandal.

The total number of social media workers deployed at the circle level is 2252. Thus far a team of about 2700 workers has been deployed from the state level to the district and divisional levels.

BJP’s team of 3200 people will handle the work of online campaigning in the elections. Out of these, 2700 people have started work.
Social media teams of 7 fronts including youth, women, and farmers are also being formed.

There are seven fronts in BJP. Yuva Morcha, Mahila Morcha, Kisan Morcha, OBC Morcha, SC Morcha, ST Morcha, and Minority Morcha.

The organizations of all these seven fronts are already doing the pre-determined work, now social media teams are also being attached to these fronts. So far, 50 percent work of setting up social media teams on the fronts has been completed.

Convenors and co-convenors have been appointed at the state level and district levels. Now the work of deciding assembly-wise coordinator-co-coordinator is being done.

Overall, a target has been set to give the responsibility of campaigning for the party on social media to about 500 workers in the fronts.

Campaigning like this through social media

  • Direct communication by sending any information from the state headquarters to the last worker at the booth through WhatsApp groups. Direct hold of the party till the booth.
  • The public interest works of the Modi government are being shared daily on all platforms through videos and graphics. Programs and speeches of big leaders at the central level and state levels are being telecasted live on Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter. Photos-videos of the beneficiaries of the schemes of the Center and their stories are also being shared.
  • If there is any incident related to law and order anywhere in the state, an atmosphere is created against the Congress government through memes, video messages, and graphics on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
  • Tehsil level team can be activated by sending information a day in advance for picketing, demonstration, or any campaign.
  • Discuss burning issues on Twitter Space.
  • Direct communication with the big leaders of the center and the state with the workers through Facebook Live.
  • If any campaign of the center is to be run across the state, party workers can be activated by giving immediate information. Party leaders admit that programs like Mera Booth-Swachh Booth and Ghar Ghar Tiranga were successful only through social media and the IT team.

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